

In an increasingly distracted world, the speechwriter’s job is more difficult than ever. Yet, as Barack Obama shows us, the power of the spoken word endures.

Writing a great speech

A great speech is the product of an effective partnership between writer and speaker. Speeches succeed when they hold an audience’s attention and move it to action, so it is vital to demonstrate why the words are personally important to the listener. Speeches often benefit from a theme or thread that runs through the text, as well as from powerful arguments, compelling language and the right tone for the occasion.

Speeches we have written

Robert Taylor Communications’ speechwriters have broad experience of working with some of Europe’s leading business executives:

  • We’ve written key-note speeches for Dr Jürgen Grossman, chief executive of RWE, Germany’s biggest energy company
  • We are the preferred speechwriters for presidents of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply and have also written for the President of the European Venture Capital Association
  • We are the preferred speechwriters for Mary Gober, the international customer-service guru and founder of Mary Gober International
  • We have written speeches for Vernon Ellis, International Chairman of Accenture, Jorma Ollila, the International Chairman of Nokia, and speech materials for one of the UK’s leading political figures
  • We have carried out three training courses in speechwriting for several speechwriters employed by ABB, the Swiss industrial conglomerate.
  • Our managing director, Robert Taylor, has conducted many speechwriting courses for the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

To discuss how we could help you, please…

call us on +44 20 7549 3640

or email Enquiries@RobertTaylorCommunications.com



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