Find out about Robert Taylor Communications in the Media...
Media detailsKick-off advice is about coming up with the big idea for a communications campaign. We call it that because it’s usually in an initial, kick-off meeting that the main idea for a campaign is discussed and agreed upon. This idea is incredibly important, as it informs the strategy and tactics for the rest of the campaign, and its quality often determines whether the campaign succeeds or fails.
Our recent work with one of our major clients is a good example of this. Our client needed an idea that presents its policies and information in an appealing way, allowing its employees throughout the world to speak with knowledge and authority. Our idea, which our client accepted enthusiastically, is a campaign called “You’re the Expert”, because this is what people often say when they ask an awkward question of employees (“Come on, what do you think? You’re the expert.”).
We’re bringing it to life with a series of fictional films featuring an employee at a family dinner being confronted by all the most awkward questions he could be asked. Each question relates to an important topic, and each is asked by a different family member. This means that each topic is to a character, which helps to make it memorable. All the rest of the campaign collateral, including information cards, posters, facilitation notes and intranet material, is linked to the characters in the film.
A good piece of communication, whether written or spoken, serves a purpose. It may move the audience to action, change perceptions, impart important information or simply entertain. Taylor-made helps organisations select the best ways to communicate (such as articles,brochures, speeches, newsletters or case studies) to meet their objectives, and then creates the most effective structure and messages.
This process is vital to the success of any written communication. We live in a world where people are bombarded with information, the vast majority of which is unimaginative, repetitive and dull, and so has no impact. For a piece of writing to work, it must stand out from the crowd, grasp the reader’s attention and hold it.
To achieve this, we encourage our clients to take advantage of the consultancy side of our business before a single word has been written. We work with them to define the purpose of the document, target the correct audience and craft clear messages. From this foundation, we can produce writing that is clean and clear and hits home.
Organisations have to work harder than ever to make sure that theirmessages are heard by their target audiences. Many make the mistake of trying to communicate a message that is too long-winded, too complicated or lacking credibility. Others have no clear message at all.
The world’s best media and marketing messages have proved invaluable, whether in business, politics or international affairs. Messages such as “Yes we can”, “For the many not the few” and “Every little helps” encapsulate in a few well-chosen words what an individual or organisation wants the audience to remember. They are simple enough, and powerful enough, to influence millions of people.
We work with our clients to create sharp, robust and powerful message hierarchies that form the basis of all communication. Typically we create a compelling top-line message, with sub messages, examples, proof points and analogies.
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