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Media detailsThe following are terms that are odd or ambiguous enough not to be covered by the general advice. We Google The Economist with these terms and see how it handles them. Please post your own as comments to this entry so that we can include them in the list that follows.
sub-Saharan Africa (The Economist occasionally capitalises the S, but usually doesn’t)
poverty-reduction strategy
Millennium Development Goal
central Europe – the ‘central’ here is a descriptive adjective, as the region covered by the term is vague. The vagueness of these terms in Europe is indicated by the fact that you would tend to write ‘eastern’ or ‘southern’ Europe rather than ‘east’ or ‘south’ Europe.
Central America – the ‘Central’ here is part of the name of a precisely defined area, as with North and South America
the West – the world’s rich democracies
Ltd – after a limited company’s name. Don’t put a point after it – British abbreviations never end in a point if the last letter of the abbreviation is the last letter of the full word.
the pound – currencies are always lower-case
the Internet and the World-Wide Web (or just the Web) are both capitalised
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