Spring is here! (If you follow the solar calendar)
For anyone suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the winter months…
By Robert Taylor on the February 7th, 2024
Between the 23rd and 29th minute of yesterday’s World Cup semi-final, 11 international footballers went into collective meltdown. In those six minutes, Brazil conceded four goals, at home, to a team that had never beaten them before in a competitive fixture. There are suggestions that some Brazilian players will be so scarred by this humiliating battering that they may never play at the same level again.
How could this happen to Brazil, the best footballing nation on earth?
As in sport, so in everything: confidence is hard won and easily lost. Once punctured, it deflates alarmingly. One of our core services at RTC is media and presentation training; and in the case of at least half the people we train, overcoming a fear of failure, of saying the wrong thing, of Brazilian-style meltdown, is a key personal objective.
The secret to success is preparation and a resolve never to be complacent. The best, most experienced performers prepare for every speech or presentation as though it were their first. Yes, there are the lucky few with an enviable gift of the gab. But for most people, coolness under pressure is the product of hard work and dedication.
July 9th, 2014
For anyone suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the winter months…
By Robert Taylor on the February 7th, 2024
What on earth was Dominic Cummings trying to achieve last night,…
By Robert Taylor on the July 21st, 2021